DD wanted to pay tribute to those wonderful people at NSB, the Norwegian State Railway company, who gave up their weekend in order to arrange Gratis Ombord Internett access for our team's visit to the land of the Fjords.
Two weeks tonight we will be snuggling down into our 75 cm wide berths onboard the sleeper from Oslo to Trondheim. With a bit of luck these lovely ladies will be bringing us a cup of cocoa and reading us our bedtime stories.

One thing seems pretty certain - we won't be thronging the bar in the buffet car all night. A glass of wine costs around £10 while a half litre of beer is around £7. Visa/Mastercard are accepted!
For those of you unfortunate enough not to be travelling with us NSB very thoughtfully provide short videos to promote train travel. We will be doing this overnight 7/8th July and this for most of the day on the 8th.
Other News
DD can exclusively reveal the whereabouts of fugitive former Manchester City FC manager Roberto Mancini. Our hotshot lensman had to use a disguised Q-car to close in on the itinerant Eytie who now plies his trade in the Coatbridge area of Central Scotland.
Rumours that he had been seen working in legendary Rome delicatessen Volpetti have now been discounted. The owners of the iconic Testaccio gourmand victuallers were heard to say " We donta wanta anybody stifling flair arounda here."
In our next issue GCERCer Lloyd S will be revealing some disturbing information about other members of the team. Don't miss it!
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